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Millennials Redefining Retirement

According to a recent survey by retirement finance company IRALogix Inc., Millennials are changing the way people think about retirement. According to over 50% of Millennials surveyed, obtaining “financial independence” is a more significant indicator of retirement than simply turning … Read More

The Resurgence of the Automatic IRA Act

The Automatic IRA Act of 2024 has been reintroduced by Representative Richard Neal, D-Mass., the ranking member of the House Ways and Means Committee. This measure requires companies with more than ten workers to automatically enroll their workers in IRAs … Read More

Beyond Compliance: Make Every Comm Count

Effective retirement plan communications do more than just meet DOL requirements; the best ones engage, educate, motivate, and empower participants. Optimize your communications to connect with employees on a personal level, encourage informed decisions, and foster more active engagement with … Read More

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